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Avatar: The Rake

I believe it got lost in the move, or I forgot to put it up here as well as Forums, so here is the Rake for all you t use and abuse as you see fit…

Attributes: Some men never settle down, no
matter how many partners they have had in the
past. No woman is ever the “right one” for them,
no matter how much they may profess to love
the woman in question. They are forever
searching for their one true love but never
finding her.

In any case, Rakes go through
relationships like most over men go through
underwear. They are always dating a new lady in
the hope that she would be “the one”, but in
reality they know that no woman could ever be
all that they could ever desire.

As an Avatar of the Rake, you are always
changing partners on a regular basis, hooking up
with new women on the rebound from the last
failed relationship, or even during the death
throes of the current relationship – two timing
could be seen as your signal to change partners.
Sometimes there are long periods of being
single, but you are always on the lookout for the
next woman to come along who could be “the

Taboos: You must never tie the knot with a
woman, or stay with her for longer than a few
months. Faithfulness is anathema to Avatars of
the Rake, so illicit love affairs and flirtations are
the order of the day. Periods of being single are
fine, but you must be always looking for your
next love affair. Maintaining your own flat
while living with a partner is advised just in
case you start to become too attached to your
current partner.

Symbols: The lipstick on the collar, the
mementos of romances ,
The Lovers out of the Major Arcana of a Tarot
Deck, the Jack of Spades out of a standard deck
of cards, and his animal is the rabbit.
Masks: Sir Lancelot (Arthurian)
Suspected Avatars in History: Giacomo
Casanova, Don Juan Casanova, Lord Lucan,
Hugh Grant, King David, Frank Sinatra, and
John F. Kennedy.


01-50%: The Rake is able to ascertain
what the secret romantic desire is of any single,
divorced, or widowed woman at this channel
level within his locality with a successful Avatar: The Rake
check. This gives a 10% shift on any seduction
checks the Avatar of the Rake makes in order to
seduce this woman.

51-70%: At this channel the Rake is
able to find out what character traits a given
woman desires in a mate and is able to mimic
them with a successful Avatar: The Rake check.
If the woman in question would like a smooth
talking seducer, or if she likes a bit of rough,
that is what the Rake will appear to be to her.
Obviously, if the woman in question is gay,
there is no way he can work around that.

71-90%: Similar to the Flying Woman’s
ability. Any attempt by a female to restrain the
Rake fails on a successful Avatar: The Rake
check. Handcuffs or shackles placed by a
woman slip off or unlock themselves. Tying him
to your bedposts with scarves results in
disintegrating wisps of scarf. Any attempts at
emotional blackmail to get the Rake to stay
where he does not want to be also fails on a
successful Avatar check.

91-98%: At this channel the Rake will
be a testosterone-fuelled sex god to any woman
that he turns his attentions
toward without needing to make an Avatar: The
Rake check.

99%: Should the character become the
Godwalker of the Rake Archetype, he can create
a new channel that is in keeping with the

5 thoughts on “Avatar: The Rake

  1. Requiem_Jeer says:

    From a purely gaming standpoint, no one would ever take this avatar. Ever.

    From a roleplaying standpoint, this avatar would necessitate the roleplaying of things that most people are not comfortable roleplaying.

    From a flavor standpoint, why can’t he affect lesbians? Does one have to be a goddamned godwalker to woo the lesbos?

    An alternative:

    1-50%: The rake can determine what kind of man a woman wants with a successful avatar check, getting a positive shift to seduction rolls equal to the tens place of the roll. Half of the bonus can instead be applied to another person who the Rake advises. The bonus can be lowered or negated entirely due to circumstances, i.e. if the Rake (or the person he wingmans) is completely and utterly unsuited to wooing this particular woman. There are many fish in the sea, after all.
    51-70%: The Rake can call upon his mojo to assist him in ways that are not direct seduction. When doing something to impress a woman, the Rake can flip-flop all rolls if the result would be less then his Avatar: the Rake skill.
    71-90: The Rake can use his moxie to bail out of situations that his libido gets him into. The Rake automatically escapes any confines that he lets women place him in. As such, most Rakes never resist getting handcuffed or otherwise tied up by women, as they can easily escape.
    91%+: At this level, no woman can harm the Rake, unless they are in a frenzy (luckily for most women rape usually causes a few stress checks). This happens to even indirect means of harming the Rake. The Rake cannot be harmed by grenades thrown by women, guns shot by women, mojo slung by women, being tossed off a cliff by women, crashing into a car being driven by a woman, as long as not a single man was involved with the harming of the Rake, he is not harmed. (this does not include the manufacture of the weapon).

  2. ashwood says:

    Requiem_jeer, your version of the 91%+ avatar channel seems a bit out of character for the Rake. The Rake is a lover not a fighter.

    Here’s a suggestion for an alternative avatar channel.

    71-90%: The Rake is so charming he can get away with nearly anything short of violence without leaving hurt feelings. If the Rake gets caught in one of his indiscretions by a paramour (lying, cheating, borrowing large sums of money without paying it back) he can make an avatar roll to try to get the woman to forgive him.

  3. Requiem_Jeer says:

    It prevents the Rake from being harmed, but it also allows the Rake to flirt with even the most violent of women.

    The Rake is a lover, not a fighter. That is why the Rake is nearly immune to attacks, unless a chick blows a stress check. Besides, there are plenty of Avatars who abuse their powers in ways counter to their intentions but not their letter.

  4. BillionSix says:

    I did a similar one called The Player, also on the site.

  5. drallensmith says:

    There’s a 1610 version of this Avatar in Ascension of the Magdalene, BTW.


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