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The power of the moving image.

You can’t keep a good school down. It’s been over twenty years since Cinemancy was officially declared dead, the last practitioners vanished from the earth, and yet suddenly new adepts are popping up. Why? What on earth could make a postmodern occultist reinvent a school that TV and VCRs were supposed to have killed?

Maybe it’s because there’s something in it that the modern age hasn’t killed off. Something inside its practitioners that can see things in a way their generation is supposed to be dead to.

Things are better in the movies. The good guys usually win, your life has a dramatic purpose and meaning, and no shot of the outside world is wasted. Old movies are even better; they don’t make men like Humphrey Bogart or women like Better Davis anymore, personalities who dominate their scenes and take the audiance’s love whether they want it or not. The fact that these actors had more complicated personalities in real life than their screen personas let on makes it even more special- Cary Grant was more like Cary Grant on screen than he could ever hope to be in real life.

When Plato talked about a realm of perfection that our physical world was only a reflection of, he couldn’t even know he was talking about the world of movies.

You know the truth. Movies aren’t a pale reflection of the real world. The real world is a pale reflection of movies. And you’re going to reach that world somehow, or make our world closer to it.

Generate a Minor Charge: Watch a movie on the big screen (a movie theater is preferable, but a big enough home screen will also work.)
Generate a Significant Charge: Watch an old black and white movie on the big screen, using an old-fashioned projector.
Generate a Major Charge: Find and watch on the big screen the original print of a movie important to the history of cinema (Citizen Kane, The Great Train Robbery, etc.) You must then destroy it, the hardest part for any adept.
Taboo: You may never watch (or even catch a glimpse of) a movie on tv or the small screen. Part of the paradox of modern Cinemancy (aside from fiction being realer than reality) is the fact that they love movies so much that it’s much harder to watch them.
Random Magick Domain: Cinemancy is about intensifying the world, making it more beautiful or uglier or deadlier or sexier, to get it closer to the perfect world of cinema.

Minor Spells

-1 Minor Charge. Caster hypnotizes a crowd by flickering and sputtering like an old film on a projector. This lasts as long as the caster is willing to keep it up, though they must succeed on their Cinemancy skill each round or the target will snap out of it.

Technicolor Sequence
-1 Minor Charge. For five minutes, the world appears to be baisically black and white, but auras visible as things painted onto people in red and green (in a manner similar to the primitive technicolor sequences of old silent films.)

Cry for King Kong
-1 Minor Charge. The target feels great empathy the next time they hear a story about someone, whether in the news or in a puppet show. Has been used by some adepts to scam money (“I suddenly feel so sad for that poor war widow in need of a kidney transplant you’re telling me about! Here, take this and buy her something nice!”)

Seen It
-2 Minor Charges. Very similar to the Bibliomancer spell Book Learning. The caster can use their Cinemancy skill in place of any mundane skill displayed in the last five movies they watched.

Monster Movie
-2 Minor Charges. A cheesy monster costume- plastic fangs and a tuxedo, worn out old Swamp Creature mask- becomes utterly convincing to a designated target. They may later wonder why they ran screaming from the man with hair glued to his face in a feeble attempt at resembling the Wolf Man, but while he actually sees them, he will involuntarily suspend his disbelief.

-2 Minor Charges. For one day, the caster can hear herself talking about the events from a future perspective, potentially providing warnings (“How could I have known that dame was about to get me into more trouble than she was worth?”)

Chew the Scenery
-3 Minor Charges. The target of this spell begins hamming up their personality, becoming a caricature of themselves. In addition to being embarassing, this spell has been known to make low level adepts break taboo, unable to remember themselves and check their behavior, or to make adepts cast spells in public and get whacked by the Sleepers. The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the caster’s role.

Significant Spells

It’s A Wonderful Life
-1 Sig Charge. Caster may enchant a role of film to show a very detailed “alternate movie”- the film of what would have happened if a specific action had been taken, rather than the one that was (what if I’d married Tess instead of Hilda? What if I’d followed up on that hunch I’d had?) For obvious reasons, this spell is usually used for actions that are not yet too late to undo.

-1 Sig Charge. Caster watches an old movie (without charging up) and finds the movie’s themes inspire them on any given task. It won’t provide obvious answers (“Orson Welles told me the killer works for Daphne Lee!”) but it will point you in the right direction (“I never realized The Third Man was an allegory for the danger of female sexuality…”)

Production Code
-3 Sig Charges. Gives the caster temporary safety against anything the Production Code would not have been allowed to show- rape, gory mutilation, ect. They can still be shot, of course, but at least they won’t make a bloody mess.

-5 Sig Charges. Caster taps into the power of film heroism for a number of minutes equal to their role. This allows them to flip flop dice results, provided what they’re doing is suitabley cinematic (one on one duel, impassioned speech before Congress, ect.) The trick is, if your opponant knows you’re doing it, they can also flip flop their rolls. A climax is only exciting with an impressive bad guy, after all.

You Must Become Caligari
-5 Sig Charges. For a number of days equal to your role, the poor victim of this spell finds their life has become a German Expressionist nightmare. Everything is at a weird angle, strange monsters walk the streets, the scenery is tineted odd colors, and absolutely everyone around them seems to be overacting. Should they be institutionalized during this dark period, they will become convinced their doctors are the ones who are really insane. This spell is similar to the Videomancy spell Days Of Our One Life To Live, though no Cinemancer would ever admit it.

Part the Silver Veil
-7 Sig Charges. For a number of days equal to your roll, enter into a movie or bring a character out of one. This can be used to hide from pursuers, pal around with your childhood heroes, or get help from a character who could do something better than you. You won’t be able to persuade them to act out of character, but otherwise they are generally helpful- Scarlett O’Hara won’t take a vow of poverty and celibacy, but you could get her to seduce a mob boss.

Cinemancy Major Effects
Enter permanently into a movie (the way the old guard supposedly did when they were tired of reality.) Make the world follow a pre-written script for one hour.

What You Hear
Cinema Snobs and Vidiots are never very friendly to one another- the former think the latter are brain-dead morons, the latter think the former are living in the past and spend all their time jerking off to Casablanca. For some unknown reason, as a side effect of followers of these two schools clashing, characters from movies will sometimes be seen invading TV or vice versa; Captain Picard will try to hijack the ship in Forbidden Planet, or Little Ceaser will be the next villain on Law and Order.

10 thoughts on “Cinemancy

  1. Locke says:

    Significant charges are too easy to get, aren’t they? You just buy a pile of old school video stuff on ebay – and can harvest up to 24 sigs a day! Maybe one movie should bring only one charge, ever? Bibliomancer’s charging system instead of dipsomancer’s, I mean.
    Voice-Over is too powerful. It should be sig.
    Cry for King Kong – why don’t you copy biblomanser’s Sorrows of Young Werther?
    Monster Movie is cool, I love the idea. But I still think it should be a Stress-check on Unnatural, not just “be scared and flee away”.
    It’s A Wonderful Life – seems to be too cheap.
    And Showdown is too expensive. 2-3 sigs are enough.
    Part the Silver Veil – isn’t it a bit too much? Bringing Terminator in real life won’t end good. And it should be hours not days.

    P.S. I definitely like the flavor of this school. No, really, it’s great!

  2. vanAdamme says:

    I agree with the significant charges being WAY too easy to earn. For a person with a projector they’re no more difficult than a minor charge. The dipsomancer method could work where a cinemancer needs to obtain a culturally significant projector and hope it doesn’t break down.

    It’s a Wonderful Life is definitely too cheap, that one could be a real game-breaker. Same with Voice-Over.

    Part the Silver Veil might need to be a major effect. A cinemancer could potentially earn the 7 sigs in a couple of days and use it all the time.

    Great idea though, especially when I have a player whose obsession is old movies and runs an old-school cinema 🙂

  3. Requiem_Jeer says:

    I agree with the complaints previously stated, but it is a good school. It could just use some slight tweaking.

    Also, there are so many typos. It’s roll, not role!

  4. dangerousdame says:

    Thanks for your feedback- this is my first time creating an adept school.

    How about these changes:
    -A movie can only be used once to gain any kind of charge.
    -The projector for a Significant charge has to be one that was in the initial screening of an important movie.
    -Voice Over lasts one hour instead of one day.
    -Monster Movie provokes a level 3 Stress check.
    -It’s A Wonderful Life costs 3 Significant charges.
    -Showdown costs 3 Significant charges.
    -Part The Silver Veil lasts for hours rather than days, and only lets you go in the movie, not out (though you can still ask advice from characters.)

  5. Locke says:

    Level 3 Stress-check is too weak for Monster Movie. How about level equal to tens of roll?
    And I am still not sure about Wonderful Life.
    The rest seems to be fine.

  6. vanAdamme says:

    I don’t mind the idea of a minor charge being obtained simply by watching a movie. It could certainly lead to over-charging but pulling all-nighters is bound to have some detrimental effects. Perhaps getting a minor charge could involve watching the _entire_ film, including deleted scenes, blooper reels and ‘The Making Of…’ documentaries.

    Now that I’ve written down I realise that I don’t like my idea at all.

  7. Darc Discordia says:

    I like this.

  8. sdfds68 says:

    Hmmmm… Perhaps the ‘deadness’ of the school interferes with gaining minor charges? Cinemancers gain sigs and majors only, letting you change gaining sigs to ‘Watch a movie at a theater.’ Or maybe ‘Watch a movie at a theater, legally.’

  9. MCLowell says:

    I have to admit, I like this a lot more than I thought I would. Well done!

  10. vanAdamme says:

    One of my players created a character a while back who is obsessed with film. She is now ready to follow a magickal school and will be choosing yours. We’ve changed the charging methods a little though.

    First of all, she works as a projectionist so access to movies is pretty easy. For her to earn a minor charge she needs to simply watch a film in its entirety (credits, extras, deleted scenes). She cannot focus on anything at else at this time so she can’t actually build charges while working (cause she needs to concentrate on switching reels and so forth)

    For a sig charge she needs to spend 4 hours filming her life. She must have a video camera switched on and be actively recording her action, not just have it hanging around her neck or in a bag or something. To actually gain the charge though she needs to then sit down and watch every second of it without a break.

    Major charges and the taboo will remain the same.


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