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Homeopathic adeptry (a variant on narco-alchemy)

According to homeopathic principles, one tiny dose is all you need to get back to your normal, healthy baseline. Every junkie already knows this.

Nicknames: Homies, Quacks, Placebomancers.

Many homeopathic adepts are familiar with narco-alchemy, but they don’t buy into it. All that hoodoo about albedo and rubedo, about sol niger, about homunculi… Narquis sound just like those bullshit doctors, with their dopamine receptors and their mesolimbic pathways. It’s just a bunch of nonsense Latin words they use to hide their cluelessness about the inner-workings of the human body. They’re all full of poison. Every drug they give you, and every word out of their mouth, is toxic.

Alternative medicine offers an alternate path to mystical and chemical harmony, a path followed by those who care more about “getting clean” rather than exploring altered states of consciousness. It’s also a solid option for those whose eyes glaze over at the prospect of reading the Corpus Hermeticum. Homeopathy does include a body of mystical knowledge and occult correspondences, in books known as “repertories”, but few modern homeopathic adepts actually bother with much reading. Also, most of them know practically nothing about conventional pharmacology, and that’s fine too.

The symbolic tension at the heart of homeopathy is that the remedies are made of poison. According to homeopathic principles, heroin can be useful for treating lethargy, rohypnol can be be used to get rid of amnesia, and psilocybin will put a stop to those pesky hallucinations.


GENERATE A MINOR CHARGE: To the untrained eye, minor homeopathic magic looks like you’re poisoning yourself in a way that aggravates your disease symptoms. However, you are actually drawing on the healing power of the Law of Similarity – and the substance that seems to be aggravating your symptoms is, in fact, treating the spiritual disharmony caused by the underlying disease.

GENERATE A SIG CHARGE: Significant homeopathy is a time-consuming process resulting in some sort of magickal remedy which (in most cases) can be used by anybody. Preparing remedies requires a number of days of committed work, diluting, agitating and decanting everything yourself.

Unlike standard narco-alchemical works, these preparations are not real drugs. The remedies have been diluted so many times that it’s unlikely that they even contain a single molecule of the “active ingredient.” This is not to say that remedies won’t fuck you up – they certainly might – but the side effects are magickal, not chemical.

GENERATE A MAJOR CHARGE: Nobody knows, but it probably involves someone dying.

RANDOM MAGICK DOMAIN: Healing and sickness, natural biological processes, “potentisation” through dilution.

TABOO: Homeopaths may never use a chemical remedy which has been prepared by a person who they do not consider to be their friend. This taboo is concerned not only with psychoactive drugs, but all sorts of chemicals that enter your body. A doctor can lance a boil or give you stitches, but they can’t give you antibiotics or an anesthetic.

If a homeopath ever breaks this taboo, they lose all the magickal benefits of any significant homeopathic remedies they have taken, and are unable to perform minor magic for a number of days equal to the tens digit of their adept skill. (More powerful adepts are more disturbed by this disharmony, and it takes them longer for their bodies to return to their natural state.)

To perform minor magic, a homeopath needs symptoms. Most homeopaths suffer from long-term medical conditions – drug addiction, insomnia, chronic pain, and so on. As homeopathic adepts are frequently aggravating their symptoms, it’s likely that more and more symptoms will appear over time, making for easier charging (and greatly reduced quality of life).
To perform significant magic, an adept needs time, as well as access to some equipment. A homeopath’s tools are not as specialised as a narqui’s, but specific remedies do call for some fairly unique ingredients which can’t be replaced with a trip to the hardware store, so you’ll want to keep that stuff in a safe location.


Healthy mind (Smoke and Fire)
Homeopathy treats your whole person, not just your body. Negate one stress check that you just failed, or ignore the first stress check you would have made in the next hour.

Psoratic transference
In order to cast this spell, you need to aggravate one of your symptoms by using an addictive substance. As soon as you get that sweet relief, the itch transfers to a person you can currently see. For a number of hours equal to the sum of your roll, they feel the same addiction that you feel. The effect ends prematurely if they get their fix.

Water memory (Aqua Vitae)
Your blood belongs inside your body. You can use magick to remind it of this fact. When you cast this spell, temporarily regain 20 points of damage. After a number of hours equal to the sum of your magick roll, the damage returns.

Fresh as a daisy
You won’t need to sleep for the next 24 hours.

All is well (Athanor)
Negate all impairment from illness or magick for the next three rounds.


Sarcodic influence (1 day’s work)
Ths remedy is prepared using a sarcode of healthy human tissue. The donor must not suffer from any chronic conditions, and cannot have been sick, nor taken any drugs, in the last three months.

For the hour after you swallow the sarcodic preparation, people will believe that you are the picture of perfect health. The first conversation you have about medicine or fitness will sound plausible – people won’t automatically go out and follow your advice, but everybody will consider it seriously and respect your expertise. They’ll also completely ignore your bad breath, your limp, and the track-marks in your arms.

Succussive recall (1 day’s work)
The process of succussion activates the memory of the water contained in a vessel. This remedy must be prepared using distilled water and turtle shell, as well as a particular succussive instrument (like a baseball bat or a tire iron). The succussive instrument must be either big or heavy, but it must not be sharp. At each stage of dilution, the mixture must be vigorously struck (“succussed”) ten times against the instrument. In order to activate this mixture, the user annoints their forehead, then smacks a person, hard, with the succussive instrument. After the user has been annointed, they have only five minutes to use the instrument, or the effect is wasted.

This is a nasty trick. In addition to the damage done by the succussion itself, the water in the victim’s body gets its memory jump-started. Unfortunately for the victim, when their blood starts reminiscing, it’s already experiencing the effects of blunt force trauma, so it tends to go back to the bad memories. The victim experiences a magickal relapse of the worst disease they’ve ever had. The symptoms will go away as soon as all of the damage from the injury is fully healed.

Imponderable solar correspondence (2 days’ work)
Electromagnetic waves from the sun are the source of all life. All the energy flowing through the natural world is ultimately derived from invisible radiation. And if homeopathy teaches us anything, it is that all living things remember their own histories. This concoction of rock salt and sea water must be prepared in direct sunlight, buried at dusk in a handmade clay vessel, sprinkled with fresh milk on the following day, and dug up again on the second night.

For 48 hours after a person swallows the remedy, they are able to sense living things within a range of ten metres. With a successful soul roll, they can identify the size, position, and arousal level of anything within that range (although they cannot distinguish between fear, pain, sexual arousal, etc). Also, while the effect lasts, they cannot be affected by any drug, poison, allergen or infection, unless the substance in question has been chemically altered by intentional human effort. Finally, their body temperature rises to what would normally seem to be a life-threatening fever (over 40 degrees centigrade), but they suffer only mild discomfort.

Ancestral water memory (2 days’ work)
This remedy brings out the powerful relationship between the human body and the natural world. To prepare it, the lungs of an animal must be dried, powdered, and diluted in distilled spring water.

After someone gargles with this mixture, for the next six hours, they will be able to speak the language of the target animal. For the next three days, however, they will be unable to read or write. The user’s charm skill permanently increases by 1%, lasting until the next time they take a non-homeopathic drug.

Nosodic miasm (3 days’ work)
This concoction is prepared using a nosode of organic tissue, such as pus or faeces, provided by a person who suffers from a terminal illness. The illness needn’t be biologically contagious – the adept’s work will make it magically contagious, no matter what disease is used.

If the patient has ever had the nosodic disease, or has consumed a nosode of that disease in the past, the remedy has no effect. For anybody else, their body is purged of all magical impurities. Astral parasites are detached, long-term curses are broken, magical augmentations are dispelled. However, the patient must then make a Body roll. If they fail this roll, they contract the deadly disease. If they pass the roll, their “disease immunity” skill increases by 5%, until the next time they take a non-homeopathic drug.

Molar limit (5 days’ work)
People who don’t understand homeopathy think that there’s no difference between diluting something twenty times and diluting something forty times – once you’ve removed every molecule of the active ingredient from your solution, you’re just diluting pure water in pure water.

Whoever first developed this spell was out to prove a point. The adept starts with exactly one pint of their own fresh blood, and dilutes it in purified spring water, over and over again, for five consecutive days. Exactly one pint of the final result is injected directly back into the adept’s bloodstream.

The first effect of this spell is that all of the adept’s disease symptoms vanish for the next 24 hours – making minor magic impossible, but damn it feels good. The second effect is that the adept gains a number of wound points equal to the sum of their magick roll, even if this would bring them above their normal maximum. (With repeated uses of this spell, the adept can increase their wound points until their total is equal to their body stat plus their soul stat.) Finally, the adept gains a permanent bonus (1-5%) to their athletics skill. If the adept ever breaks taboo, any wound points above their normal maximum are lost, and their athletics skill returns to its mundane level.

2 thoughts on “Homeopathic adeptry (a variant on narco-alchemy)

  1. semicasual says:

    This is clever. I have no difficulty whatsoever imagining someone with an interest in homeopathy turning to occultism as an extension of their deep misunderstanding of biochemistry.

  2. waitingforgodzi says:

    Another minor spell – no homie should be without it!


    Negate one of your symptoms. The relief ends the next time you make a stress check or a major skill check. At that point, the symptom returns with a vengeance, and it affects you twice as badly, for at least as long as the relief lasted.

    (It’s also possible, and often tempting, to use this simple little spell over and over again to relieve the same symptom, making it exponentially worse.)


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