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Vomit-related magic. Probably the grossest magical school I’ve written.

It’s believed that the first adept of this school was trying to learn dipsomancy, but somehow learned something else instead. Since them, though, this school has occasionally stained the presence of the Occult Underground. Most people prefer not to find out too much about it, though.

Generate a minor charge: Vomit. Gagging yourself doesn’t count — it needs to be from overdrinking, illness, bodily response, seasickness, or some other external condition. This can be for any reason, but dry heaving doesn’t count.

Generate a significant charge: As above, but this must lead to a major problem for you. Vomiting during an important dinner with the Japanese ambassador would count, but puking on random strangers doesn’t count unless they pick a fight with you or something. The situation must lead to a real risk to your life, livelihood, or social standing.

Emetomancy does not generate major charges.

Taboo: Spending charges. When you spend a single charge, you lose the rest of them too, so if you can’t hold the magic in you might as well just let it out.

Also, after any use of emetomancy, the caster will seem ill and smell terrible until they spend an hour cleaning up.

Symbolic tension: Vomiting is cleansing and unhealthy at once. It purges the body of toxins and unwanted foods, but it’s also a sign of illness.

Random effects: Purging things from the system. Emetomancy is good at emptying things out, and unleashing pent-up forces.

Blast: Emetomancy blasts cause intense stomach cramps and digestive damage. Minor blasts makes them throw up blood. Significant blasts make them throw up internal organs.

Charging tips: You can probably generate 2-3 charges in a day easily, but beyond a certain point, there’s no purpose in saving them up.

Minor formulas

Zeroth Step
1 minor charge
You remove any poisons from your body. If you’re suffering any penalty from intoxication or drug use, it goes away immediately.

1 minor charge per hour
A single target feels nauseous and dizzy and gets a -20% shift to all actions.

2 minor charges
Works only on a target who is trying to resist saying something. The target immediately says whatever’s on their mind. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll tell the truth — it just stops them from remaining silent or rephrasing what they want to say.

Horrible Heaving
3 minor charges
This is the Emetomancy minor blast. Note that, as with all blasts, you can spend extra charges to make the blast more effective. In this case of the emetomancy blast, you might as well.

4 minor charges
This is a general-catalyst formula. Anyone in the area who has pent-up emotions of some kind will immediately express them with dramatic action. Those who are desperately trying to stop themselves can make a Mind check and try to roll higher than your result in this formula to resist, but doing so means that they don’t do anything but still themselves for one round.

Significant formulas

Split Pea Soup
1 significant charge
A single willing target (which can be you) is purged of any possessing spirit. This includes demons, thaumovores, magical parasites, and so on. If the target is cursed by something that’s not some separate entity, like a curse, it will stop taking effect for about an hour beefore it returns.

Technicolor Yawn
1 significant charge per day
Vomit on some object. For the duration of the spell, the object will smell terrible, even if cleaned. Furthermore, nobody else will want that object. Even if they’re wearing a gas mask, anyone but you will feel an intense revulsion at the prospect of picking up or owning the object.

Turn You Inside Out
1 significant charge
This is the Emetomancy significant blast. Ugh.

The Shark Trick
2 significant charge
You vomit up a single item that could fit down your throat. This could include a key to someone’s car, a prized microchip, a gold dubloon, or a balloon full of heroin, but a knife or a car wouldn’t work. This can include unique or rare items, but not magical items. Note that this is an entirely new created item — even if it’s a unique item, you’ve just created a copy.

Pray At The Porcelain Altar
4 significant charges
Requires you to throw up into a toilet. Until you clean yourself, everyone will react negatively to you, even if they can’t actually see or smell you. However, once you spend an hour cleaning up, anyone who reacted negatively will forgive you. You can get away with terrible actions while under the influence of this blessing, but only after the fact. People who didn’t interact with you aren’t affected — if you shoot a guy’s knees out while you’re under the effects of this formula, he’ll forgive you, but his spouse or boss won’t necessarily agree.

5 thoughts on “Emetomancy

  1. TedPro says:

    Someone in conversation this afternoon mentioned emetophilia. If you look it up, you’ll probably get grossed out.

    Whenever I see a new -philia or -phobia word, it makes me wonder what the related -mancy word would be like, and so I had to write this.

    It’s an incredibly disgusting school, but hopefully useful as well.

    I’m happy with the taboo. Most common forms of taboo wouldn’t work with this school — it wouldn’t make much game sense to have something like “never stop vomiting” or “never get vomited on.” This one has that hold-it-in-or-let-it-out kind of feeling to it. All the formulas are fairly cheap and powerful, and several can use any number of charges, since you can only really use one formula and then all your charges are gone.

    Thoughts are welcome.

    Declarations that this school is disgusting will be met with agreement from the author.

  2. pheeed says:

    I love how you fucked with the game mechanics like that. The taboo makes it seem like these guys really don’t like being magick-users, but are unable to stop themselves. With that, you’ve done quite a good job with evoking the feeling of being violently sick. You must be so proud.

    One neat addition that occurred to me is that Emetomancers can cure another person’s stomach troubles by literally taking them from the person, or transferring them to someone else.

    Also, “Zeroth Step”, is that a drunkard’s walk reference?

  3. Wellbutrin says:

    You’ve done it again; taken a ridiculous, impossible concept, and somehow produced a clever, plausible adept school from it. When will you provide a description of the magic that lets you do that?

  4. TedPro says:


  5. TedPro says:

    The name Zeroth Step actually comes from a combination of the Alcoholics Anonymouse Twelve Step Program and the Lombardy Zeroth Tarot Deck from Tim Powers, Last Call.


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