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Fear is the mind-killer, and the phobomancers are dying to bring it to you. Once the most terrifying weapon in Hitler’s occult arsenal, this school is now doubted to even […]

PhilosopherKnave |


Names carry power! Nickname: Wonderful, totally respectable appellomancers who aren’t called anything else. (link NSFW) Generate a minor charge: Give something an official name. This must be something that […]

TedPro |


The believers of the all mighty ogrelord Shrek. Nicknames: Brogres Shrekomancers are people who obtain powers through Shrek and his all green mightiness. They tend to dress as Shrek some […]

chriswalt |


Maintaining dignity and purity through compulsive cleaning. Nicknames: Cleaning agents, neat-freaks, Cathars. This school is riffing on similar ideas to PrivateI’s Cleaner (eliminating filth at the source, by punishing the […]

waitingforgodzi |


The magic of telling people why they’re wrong. Nicknames: killjoys, pedants, cynics, naysayers. A lot of folks in the occult underground claim that reality is subjective. Contramancers know better than […]

waitingforgodzi |


Turning and turning in the widening gyre. Dizziness Penalty: Each round you spend spinning rapidly gives you a cumulative -5% dizziness penalty. This usually goes away quickly: any time you […]

TedPro |


Attaining true sight through blindness. The Occulomancer (AKA Oracles, Prophets) The world around you is contaminated with lies. But close your eyes, filter out the impurities, and you are left […]

HeroTwo |


aka Victims True power is there is no true power. There is only success and failure. Power is a moment, the moment of achievement, a transitory event that cannot be […]

Pneumonica |


Uniting soul and body! AKA Mojo-Munchers, Soul Eaters There are those who believe that there is nothing more than the physical, and that there’s no such thing as the soul. […]

shatterspike1 |

Iconomancy Idol: Steve Jobs

Charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. Rada In Steve Jobs’ Rada aspect, he is an evangelist of the future, a perfectionist who sees the best possible future and inspires […]

TedPro |