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All posts by TedPro

Mathemancy (updated)

Abstracting the world into pure numerical truth. Nickname: Savants (or idiot savants if you’re in a pissy mood) Mathematics is a quest for complex, quantified abstract truth. Mathemancy takes that […]

TedPro |


Abstracting the empirical world into pure mathematical truth. Also magic. Nickname: Savants (or idiot savants if you’re in a pissy mood) Mathematics is a quest for complex, quantified abstract truth. […]

TedPro |


Balloon Magic. A minor school of surprises. Nickname: Party Clowns Who can look at a balloon and not see magic? It floats! It flies! It reminds us of childhood and […]

TedPro |


Bridge Magic: a minor school of connection and obstruction. Nickname: Tollmen (or Troll-men) A bridge is the chokepoint of a journey, a narrow path between separated places. Most people treat […]

TedPro |


Badger Magic Melesmancy is the magic of badgers. It’s a bit of a throwback, and was never very popular, but badgers and the way humans relate to them carry enough […]

TedPro |


Social currency as magical currency. Gifts move in one direction and favor moves in the other. Those who can do favors, can give gifts, can accumulate debts to them, are […]

TedPro |


Names carry power! Nickname: Wonderful, totally respectable appellomancers who aren’t called anything else. (link NSFW) Generate a minor charge: Give something an official name. This must be something that […]

TedPro |


Turning and turning in the widening gyre. Dizziness Penalty: Each round you spend spinning rapidly gives you a cumulative -5% dizziness penalty. This usually goes away quickly: any time you […]

TedPro |

Iconomancy Idol: Steve Jobs

Charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution. Rada In Steve Jobs’ Rada aspect, he is an evangelist of the future, a perfectionist who sees the best possible future and inspires […]

TedPro |


Vomit-related magic. Probably the grossest magical school I’ve written. It’s believed that the first adept of this school was trying to learn dipsomancy, but somehow learned something else instead. Since […]

TedPro |