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Unfortunatly, someone is thinking of the children

Look, I don’t know if it’s true or not but if it is…

Have you noticed how there always seems to be at least one pedophile/child kidnap story running through the news? Friend of a friend heard tell of new Tape doing it’s round of certain circles of the underground, like that naked goddess tape, ‘cept, and get this, it’s got not one but two people Ascending on it.

Yeah, that’s right, a kiddy fiddling flick with super mojo attached.

who ascended? Well, all I’ve heard is that it was a guy and a child, nobodies really sure whether it was a boy or girl, even without all the extra crap from the ascension it’d be hard to tell really.

Not that I’ve seen it of course.

A friend of mine reckons that the bloke was channeling the Pervert and just got lost in the wrong crowd before going shazam. I’ve also heard other people mention the Sexual Predator, the Sadist, the Traitor – what with him being the kid’s uncle/father/miscellaneous carer and whatnot – even a few True Kings if you’ll believe it!

As for the kid, well, your guess is as good as mine, not that people generally care that much, after, it’s not really that likely that they’ll get a chance to go through what he/she did.

Now there’s this cult sprung up, like the naked godess’s, but with various groups of different avatars instead of adepts, due to the uncertainty of the child’s age and gender.
A few ‘crackpot’ outsider sects are touting the child as the latest Mystic Hermaphrodite cuz of this, though most have had their internal organs eaten by some of the ‘mainstream’ by now.
The cults mianly view mimicking the adult’s movements as closely as possible as a fast track to their own ascension.

Some outsiders have noticed that the inter-cult warfare never seems to really get a chance to simmer down, hence all the arrests that keep resulting from the differnet ‘ring’s selling each other out ot the cops. The odd thing is that, in the view cases of honest to god truces being sorted out, members from each cult will always end up starting trouble a few days later.

If you want to get your hands on a second gen copy of the tape by the way, strictly for research purposes of course, I could probably manage to have one find it’s way to you, for a reasonable price…

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