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The Tattooed One

“Mommy! That man has a blue face!” “I know, dear. Just keep walking.”

You’ve seen them everywhere. How could you miss them? The people that exist for the thrill of body-modification for millions of reasons: attention, destruction of monotony, the need to be different, etc. But The One is far different than these stalwart individuals of the non-conformist era; The One is everything to everyone.

The One is the poster-child for: non-conformists, adepts, avatars, the lost, the confused, the duality of mankind, society, societal destruction, assimilation, and differentiation. The One is only slightly less complex than the Mystic Hermaphrodite. The entity of The One has to be everything first and herself second (or not at all).

It is rumored that The One is the bastard child of a chance meeting of the Mystic Hermaphrodite and the Rebel, but this is not only hard to believe but also a well-guarded secret liaison. It is also said that everyone in the IC loves to hate this avatar (or is it hate to love? I keep getting it mixed up).

It all starts with a fixation on modifications to the human form: spine piercing, ear-lobe elongation, sub-dermal horns, whiskers, tails, all of the cool things that you can do with a pocket full of needles and a friend with a steady hand. It ends with the creation of an enigma about the entirety of the avatar’s: actions, thoughts and words.

REQUIREMENTS: Tattoos or general body modifications must take up no less than 50% of your body.

TABOOS: Removal of any tattoos or body mods is a strict violation. Alienating or influencing a single group of people with words or actions is also a violation. The One has to be everything to everyone (which means looks alone must make up people’s general opinion of you; its up to the individual as a part of the group to have the opinion not the entire group).

SYMBOLS: Tattoo needles, ink, spikes, razors, anything that can be used to create body mods. It can also be some sort of significant tattoo or body marking.

SUSPECTED AVATARS THROUGHOUT HISTORY: Blackbeard the Pirate was said to be one, tying explosives into his beard to instill fear in his enemies. Currently there are three people vying for ascension: The Cat Man (recognized for his tiger marking tattoos on his face and pierced whiskers on his upper lip and cheek area), Enigma (recognized by the body tattoo of puzzle pieces and sub-dermal spheres on his forehead), and The Leopard man (recognized by being completely covered in leopard spots).


1%-50% The avatar is the center of attention, the spotlight is on her at all times. Its like a train wreck, you don’t want to look but you can’t turn away. Everyone in the crowd is so mesmerized with her appearance that the people with her become almost invisible, much like the special ability: Just a Harmless Drunk. Significant notice skills are necessary to see those with the avatar.

51%-70% The avatar is familiar with the skill with the needle, and understands the power that lies inside. Twice per day the avatar can imbue a tattoo with the power to find something or to cast a spell of the avatars school. This power can be used to imbue a tattoo on another person, but the spell can only be of the wearer of the tattoo’s school. For example, Johnny is a Dipsomancer and Enigma is the avatar. Enigma can cause the tattoo on Johnny’s forearm to cast Just a Harmless Drunk once without charges (but it does cost the normal number of charges to Johnny to imbue the tattoo).

71%-90% The avatar is used to being ostracized from “normal” groups because of her looks. These people walk by without a second glance, they won’t even give her the time of day sometimes. Due to all of this repeated isolation the avatar has become accustomed to being alone. The avatar no longer has to make isolation checks, she’s used to it by now.

91%+ Years, oftentimes, decades of painful modifications has made the avatar callous to the triviality of pain. The threshold has been pushed to the brink and beyond. Who knows when it happened? Maybe it was when the 9 inch railroad spike was driven into the sinus cavity. Perhaps it was when she had her right eyelid sewn shut and chemically sealed with acid. I guess we’ll never know. All that we do know is that with a successful avatar roll, once per day (between sleep cycles) the avatar can shake off 10 wound points of damage, or inflict 10 extra points of damage with a hand to hand combat weapon (no guns, bullets can only do what damage bullets can do).

One thought on “The Tattooed One

  1. 33three says:

    the one is probably trying to further embody the inventor


    thanks for sharing



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