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Another Reason Why We’re All Doomed

Adepts are gradually eating away at reality. Every time an Adept casts a spell, it singes a little hole in the fabric of the universe. One of these days, the fire won’t go out.

So what’s all this millenial bullshit? Haven’t there always been Adepts? Why didn’t this happen sooner? Quit laughing, you’re not as clever as you think. Look, Adepts only cropped up a few thousound years ago. For a millenium or two after that, Cryptomancy was the only game in town. After Mechanomancy hit the scene, it snowballed. The shit hit the fan, and even the Sleepers were too stupid to clean it up. Now there are dozens of schools, each gnawing away at the cosmic order.

Thing is, Adepts weren’t in the original plan for the universe. They came straight out of left field and knocked the Statosphere’s jaw loose. Of course, this is exactly the sort of thing the Comte de Saint Germain’s supposed to deal with, but there’s another problem—the Comte can’t see Adepts or their magick. Sure, he can see the impacts they make, but only after the fact. If an Adept kills a man in front of the Comte, the Comte won’t see the Adept or see the man die, but if he looks away and looks back, he’ll see the man dead. Poor bastard’s got no clue. Thinks he’s going nuts.

The rest of humanity has a similar blind spot, only subtler. Yeah, individuals don’t have too much of a problem remembering magick unless they go to a lot of trouble to suppress it, but what about the public? Doesn’t it seem odd that the popular image of magic is still all old school? People haven’t had experiences like the ones in Harry Potter for at least a century or two, but they’re still writing about them and thinking about them. Adept magick has never had an impact on the popular consciousness, and it never will. I guess it’s the Statosphere’s immune response or something. Sure, there’s steampunk, so Mechanomancy’s made it, but it got in the game early. Must’ve caught the Clergy off guard.

There. Now try and prove me wrong.

3 thoughts on “Another Reason Why We’re All Doomed

  1. Mr. Sluagh says:

    Oh, and one more thing: the Naked Goddess. Everyone keeps trying to figure out what archetype she ascended as. She didn’t! She’s no archetype! It could have been you or me or the kid at the Chevron who ascended, it just happened to be that bitch. Her ascension was the beginning of the end, the natural order breaking down, the collective unconsciousness dissolving into a big, cosmic mess.

    I need a drink.

  2. Hatchet says:

    I think the solution is pretty simple. The Clergy must be filled before adepts can throw more sand between the gears of the cosmos. And hope that the next universe will be better.

  3. Wratts says:

    And I always thought that the greatest of Adepts simply descended onto the Thrones Of The Cruel Ones, once they pulled off too many doses of major mojo. And threatened to skin reality straight off of the rampaged body of existance once their numbers reach 333. Given – if they get to it before the Invisible Clergy can reach that funky number.

    Then again, I’m having a hard time believing what that guy told me. Well, you see – some guy selling me a hot dog at a Rugby match.

    Dam’ millenial bullshit.


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