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Ms. Wednesday

“Just as planned.”

NOTE: Much like one of my pre-old-site-crash Duke write-ups, Richard Grey, this write-up is an ‘alternative reality’ of someone in a ‘top job’ (again, a world leader, in fact). Using this duke in your game, as written, means Tony Blair is not the PM of England in your game’s canon.

Nobody really knows the Prime Minister of Britain, even those who are supposedly the closest to her. In fact, the only person who was ever in any real position to know the full truth about Ellen White was her mother, but she suffered a fatal car accident just a few moments before.

Ironically, there was no sinister force behind her mother’s death or her father’s death, despite the incredibly insane situation that brought ‘their’ only daughter into this world. Sometimes, people just die on their own by sheer bad luck, a fact which Ellen considers darkly hilarious.

Ellen discovered that she was the product of an affair her mother was having with the Comte de Saint Germane on the very eve of her 15th birthday, directly from the man himself. This, the Comte claimed, explained her more…unusual traits.

Ellen White’s aristocratic ‘father’ has since then died of old age at 78, leaving her to inherit just over 2 billion pounds, a little black book full of European politicans who owed him favors and several elaborate estates scattered throughout England, America, Germany and Australia. Of course, by then, Ellen had already made her own sizeable fortune and political capital as a professional businesswoman.

Nowadays, Ellen has taken to masterminding grand schemes of manipulation and clashes of power for the sake of furthering her father’s goals…and for her own amusement, of course. In these occult underground matters, however, she has fashioned herself an entire false backstory and magickal disguise, which goes by the moniker Ms. Wednesday. She has taken to craft elaborate Xanatos Gambits (see below) which pit various factions and individuals against each other.

GM’s note: In case any players read this, the psychical description of either identity has been left out. Make up your own.

Ms. Wednesday
Prime Minister of England and Puppet Master

Personality: Publically, Ellen White is a soft-spoken, polite, distant and deadpan politican. In reality, she’s a strong-willed but childish sort with a ironic and sardonic sense of humour.
Obsession: The nature of mankind. Understanding the inner-workings of humans has become important to Ellen White ever since she made the discovery that she wasn’t quite human herself.
Wound points: 150

Rage passion: Demons.
Fear passion: (Isolation) People rejecting her for who she really is.
Noble passion: Perserving the universe.

Body 50 (Good Diet)
Struggle 25
General Athletics 35

Speed 65 (Good with Her Hands)
Dodge 30
Initative 40
Driving 25
Do Two Things at Once 45
Pick-Pocket 30
Move Silently 65
Firearms 25

Mind 99 (Genius)
Conceal 35
Notice 55
Xanatos Gambit 75
General Psychology 50
Politics 45
Occult Lore 75
Ritual Magick 45

Soul 80 (Iron Will)
Charm 65
Lying 80
Slay Demons 50
Aura Sight 55
Leadership 55

Madness Meters
Violence H4/F0
Self 6H/F2
Isolation 7H/F0
Unnatural 6H/F3
Helplessness H3/F3

Special Abilities and Skills:

Xanatos Gambit: This is Ellen’s ability to plan her mind games in the arenas of politics and the occult, as well as pick up on details that she can use for such plans. See here for the term’s origin.

Slay Demons: Due to some bizarre metapsychical make-up, Ellen has the ability to ‘destroy’ demons, sending the soul past the afterlife’s veil, never to return and freeing any possessed person from its control unharmed.

Magick Resistant: Any magickal damage Ellen White takes is reduced to half.

Archetype Shutdown: With a successful Soul roll struggle against an avatar, Ellen can completely disable any channel use.

3 thoughts on “Ms. Wednesday

  1. Michael Keenan says:

    QUICK ADD: (Because this site doesn’t have any edit function.)

    Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that she also has the Mind skills Authority 80 and Business Sense 70.


  2. Michael Keenan says:

    Oh, yeah, I forgot to also add that she also has the Mind skills German 45, Italian 25, Spanish 25 and French 35 as well.

  3. The King of Grantham says:

    I hate to be a wet blanket, but I’m not sure how interesting this is as far as antagonists go. Kind of a huge grab-bag of abilities, which can make each individual one less memorable. She could use some more personal motivation and differentiation from the Comte. Maybe a weakness? Just being an unassailable preserver of the cosmos is already covered by The First and Last Man. A thought: maybe her background in psychology and the occult combined with her hatred of demons could make her start a campaign across England to remove Obsessions from people in the name of mental health.


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