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Burns, Blood, and Bonding

A reasonably quick ritual to create permanent proxy—if one can find a someone consenting and cooperative.

Credit also goes to Infinity Pikachu

This ritual requires;

Salt enough for a circle to fit both parties,
21 grams of silver, as filings,
21 grams of iron, as filings,
A compass,
Two pairs of scissors, broken into their halves,
Four candles, two white and two black,
A mirror which has reflected a birth and a death,
Two dishes, matching, which are the last survivors of a set,
A wishbone, with the full name of each participant carved onto one half, and
Allium blooms on as long of stalks as are available.

This ritual must be performed out of doors and at night, under a cloudy sky—you aren’t allowed any starlight. The salt, silver, and iron are to be mixed as evenly as possible and then used to outline the circle in which the participants will sit; the halves of the scissors are to be pushed through the salt mixture and into the ground at the north-, south-, east-, and west-most points of the circle’s perimeter.

The participants are to sit facing each other, a white candle in front and to the right of each, a black candle in front and to the left. These are lit, and the light they provide is the only light the participants are allowed to work by. Both are to reach across and burn their left hand over the other’s white candle—it’s not necessary they burn themselves badly, but it has to hurt. Immediately after, each is to take a piece of the mirror (broken beforehand) and cut over that burn, bleeding enough into their dish to write with. While waiting, they’re to break the wishbone (which would have been carved beforehand) holding it by the side bearing the name of the other person. They are then to trade pieces of mirror, using their half of the wishbone to write “sushem rietol” on the piece received.

The mirror and wishbone pieces are then to be set aside, as each participant allows the other to wrap their injured hand in allium stalks. The candles are then extinguished, all at once, by both parties slapping the flames out in unison—and it is at that moment the charges (four minors, or so we had had in mind) are spent.

3 thoughts on “Burns, Blood, and Bonding

  1. Sage of Darkness says:

    As always, cost is welcome to be modified as any GM may see fit.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    So, they become each other’s proxie or is one dominant (as previously determined by how the wishbone was carved/weakened)?

  3. Sage of Darkness says:

    They’re each other’s proxy; it doesn’t matter how the wishbone breaks, unless you really want that wish. (Granted, if enough points are stacked through things like zodiac coincidences, etc, to have the proxy connection maxed as far as Soul scores will allow, one could be considered dominant—though the bond can still be used both ways.)


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